Mission & Ministry

Loaves and Fishes

The Ocean Grove Community Food Pantry (‘Loaves and Fishes’) is a joint initiative of the Ocean Grove Uniting Church and the Wave Baptist Church. It operates at the Uniting Church (corner of Eggleston Street and The Parade) on Friday evenings between 6pm-6.45pm.


The Dove Op Shop

The Dove is located next to the church at 107-109 The Parade and Cnr of Eggleston St, Ocean Grove. It sells a range of high quality second hand goods with proceeds returned to the local community. The shop is open Mon-Wed (10am-4pm) and Thurs-Sat (10am-1pm).



‘Grumpies’ Morning Coffee

A group of the Ocean Grove Uniting Church’s men meet regularly on a Tuesday morning to share stories and settle the world’s problems. Feel free to drop in and contribute to the discussion!